School Bikeability – Level 2

Our School Bikeability courses are kindly supported by Lime, dockless cycle hire.

We are now accepting bookings for the summer and autumn terms 2024 for Bikeability Level 2 courses.  If you have any questions about a booking you have made please contact

Please contact us if you are a school representative who needs a booking profile.

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Age group: Years 5 and 6

Duration: This is a four-day course for 16 children in total. The 16 riders will be split into two groups of 8.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
9.30-10.30 Beginners Beginners
10.30-12.30 Group A Group B Group A Group B
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-15.30 Group B Group A Group B Group A

(Times given are an example – we can fit around your school day and lunch time.)

Group size: The children are taken out in groups of 8 (maximum) by two nationally accredited cycle instructors, and we run two groups per day. We can also offer two extra hours per week to train up to 6 complete beginners from the same year group.  (Please note that as the table above shows, the course can be arranged so that each child only need miss two mornings of lessons as the groups can alternate between AM and PM sessions).

Content: Bikeability Level 1 and 2.  Level 1 is covered, usually within one day.  Once this is completed, Level 2 allows the children to interact with real traffic, but sticking to quiet roads.  By completing Level 2 children show they have the skills to make a trip safely on quiet roads and cycle lanes, perhaps to school.

Location: Level 1 training is playground-based.  The area is risk assessed by an instructor prior to use.  The playground or a large tarmac space would need to be available for the trainees’ sole use during the session times.  Level 2 training is on quiet local roads, which are risk assessed by an instructor prior to use.

Typical course structure:

Session 1: Trainees’ bikes are adjusted and helmets are fitted.  Level 1 Training commences and is completed, if trainees’ ability allows.

Session 2: Level 1 training is completed/reaffirmed.  Depending on the ability of the group, Level 2 (on road training) commences.  However, if the children require more practice with their basic skills they remain in the playground.

Session 3: Level 2 on road training commences / continues.  More advanced drills are covered as the trainees’ skills improve.

Session 4: Level 2 on road training is completed.  The aim of this session is for the children to put into practice what they have learnt during the week.  Depending on the children’s progress, they will often do an enjoyable longer ride with the instructors, leaving them with positive thoughts towards cycling.

Post session: Bikeability certificates, booklets and badges will be posted to you.

Resources: You will be emailed a register template and consent letter, or you can download your own on our schools resources page.

TfL STARS: You can count this course as a STARS activity (see