Our inclusive cycling projects
Cycle Connect – a free door to door, side-by-side, cycle service allowing up to three passengers to enjoy gentle exercise and fresh air while carrying out journeys in their neighbourhood. You can book a 1.5 hour slot.
Silver Cycling – all ability cycling for people aged 60+ and offers access to a range of adapted cycles. Sessions are free to residents and take place in Highbury Fields. Residents can book for free.
Social prescribing – if you need to get active to address a health condition, you can borrow a bike for 3 months free of charge and get cycle skills session. Lights lock and helmet included. You need a coupon from your GP. Further details here.
Women’s cycling programme – free learn to ride sessions and led rides for women only with Joyriders.
Residents can book “learn to ride” sessions for free here.
All ability adapted cycling – weekly cycling sessions with Pedal Power for people with disabilities, their family and carers, on a wide range of adapted cycles at the Emirates Podium and Finsbury Park. Contact Pedal Power to book.
Local links
Here’s our list of local walking and cycling groups and other facilities. We are always looking to grow this resource, so if you know of a cycling or walking group or community service that should be added please email details (including the website’s URL) to: cycletraining@islington.gov.uk
Local cycling groups
Central London Cycling Touring Club
Local walking groups and walks
Health and History Walks London
Health and Nature Walks Gillespie Park
Cycle tracks and facilities
Lordship Loop Mountain Bike Track
Bike shops
Cycle maintenance skills
Activities in Islington parks
Find Your Islington | Activities in Islington Parks
Other community-based support services